Home » Departments » Center for Anatomic Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
24 Hours, 7 Days a Week
045-625-2999 / 0927-148-0853 / 0962-627-6196 Local 2440
Blood Bank
045-625-2999 / 0943-429-0607 Local 2421
The Center for Anatomic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (CAPALM) is a duly accredited Tertiary Diagnostic Facility of the Department of Health. It is directly under the management, supervision and control of the Unit Head who reports directly to the Director for Ancillary Services and the CEO-President in his capacity as Vice President for Ancillary Services.
As a tertiary Clinical Diagnostic Facility, it is involved not only in the provision of routine and special diagnostic procedures but also as a training institution for Pathology and Medical Technology programs. As a tertiary Diagnostic facility, it is also a Reference laboratory catering to other freestanding laboratories and facilities that do not cater to special procedures available in the Center.
As a Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, it aids to confirm a clinical impression, establish or rule out a diagnosis, monitor therapy and establish a prognosis through quality assured and controlled tests evidenced by its excellent performance in the various External Quality Assurance Programs by the different reference laboratories task to conduct the same. Performance of the diagnostic procedures is done by skilled, competent, highly proficient and duly licensed medical technologists under the direct supervision of the Unit Supervisor and Unit Head.
The Diagnostic Services performed under CAPALM are grouped into – Immunology and Serology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Microscopy and Parasitology, Drug Testing, Hematology, Microbiology, Blood Bank and Newborn screening. It is also the confirmatory center for the G6PD test. The different sections are headed by a respective section chief who is tasked with overseeing the implementation of its policies and standard operating procedures. As the Center for Anatomic Pathology, it caters to the performance of Histopathology examination (Biopsies), Cytopathology procedures, PAPS smear-conventional and liquid based studies. Rush frozen section studies, limited Immunohistochemical studies and autopsy services are also done in the Center.
As a Training Laboratory, it offers a four-year Residency Training Program for a combined Clinical and Anatomic Pathology program under the supervision of the Training Officer who also acts as the Assistant Unit Head. To date, it has produced 6 graduates, two of whom passed the Diplomate examinations in both Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and two in Clinical Pathology. To date, these Diplomates graduates are already conferred Fellows in both Anatomic and Clinical Pathology and Fellows in Clinical Pathology, respectfully. CAPALM as a training institution in Medical Technology is highly recommended and endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education as an exemplary training center for the said program. Currently, we have interns from our very own Angeles University Foundation, University of Baguio, Wesleyan University and Saint Louis University of Baguio. An intensive 6-month training program is provided for medical technology students in their senior year. Orientation, education and familiarization with different laboratory examinations is provided and imbued with our core values of honesty, efficiency, loyalty, and excellent performance. A Medical Technology Intern’s Training Officer is directly in-charge of the training program.
As a Referral Laboratory, it provides special laboratory services in the region north of Manila. Currently, the laboratory is recognized by the National Institute of Health as one of the G6PD Confirmatory Centers in Region 3. It collaborates with Easy DNA Philippines for the provision of DNA Testing.
One of its prides as a Center, CAPALM is one of the pioneers in Blood Banking services. It is duly accredited as a Hospital Blood Bank with center capabilities that can perform tests for the five common transfusion transmitted infections using highly sophisticated machines using Chemiluminescence technology, adding safeguards to our testing, thus providing for quality-assured and safe blood units for its patients and stakeholders. An added safeguard is through the performance of the antibody screening which aids in detecting unexpected antibodies in both donor and recipient. The antibody nece I is capable of processing and storing blood units into its components-pack RBC, platelets, fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate. It involves the community in the conduct of voluntary mass blood donations, and to date, we have a total of 24 companies where we conduct rotational voluntary blood donation, thus assuring us of adequate blood supply.
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Blood Bank. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
ABO/Rh Typing | None |
Antibody Screening | None |
Coomb’s test(Direct and Indirect) | None |
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) | None |
Crossmatching with Antibody Screening | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Clinical Chemistry. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Alanine Amino Transferase
None |
Albumin | 6-8 hours fasting |
Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP) | None |
Amylase | None |
Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST/SG0T) | None |
Bilirubin Total Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin | None |
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) | 6-8 hours fasting |
Cardiac Panel | None |
Chloride | None |
Cholesterol | None |
CKMB | None |
Creatinine | None |
Creatinine Clearance | 1. On day 1, anytime, discard the first morning urine and record the time. All succeeding urine samples must then be collected in the appropriate container and kept refrigerated during the interval of collection.
2.On day 2, at 7 am, the patient shall void and add the urine to the total urine collected. 3.The collected specimen must be immediately sent to the laboratory. 4.The urine container must be kept immersed in ice during transport to the laboratory. |
D-dimer | None |
Globulin | 6-8 hours fasting |
Glucose- FastingBloodSugar | 1. 6-8 hrs fasting
2. Strictly refrain from smoking and avoid strenuous exercises or activity 3. The following medications should be discontinued after the last meal prior to blood extraction: a. Oral contraceptive pills b. Thiazide diuretics c. Salicylates d. Insulin oral anti-diabetic drugs |
Glucose — Oral Glucose
Tolerance Test(OGTT) 2hrs OGTT 3hrs OGTT |
1. 6-8 hrs fasting
2. Strictly refrain from smoking and avoid strenuous exercises or activity 3. The following medications should be discontinued after the last meal prior to blood extraction: a. Oral contraceptive pills b. Thiazide diuretics |
c. Salicylates
d. Insulin e. oral anti-diabetic |
Glucose — Post Prandial
Blood Sugar (PPBS) 1 hr PPBS |
Take regular meals and extract after 1 hr |
2 hrs PPBS | Take regular meals and extract after 2 hrs |
Glucose— Glucose Challenge
Test (GCT) 1 hr GCT |
No need to fast |
2 hrs GCT | No need to fast |
Glucose — Random Blood
Sugar |
No need to fast |
Glucose — Hemoglucose Test | No need to fast |
G6PD Confirmatory Test | No patient preparation |
HDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
lonized Calcium | Non-fasting |
Iron | None |
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) | Non-fasting |
LDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting; |
Magnesium | Non-fasting |
Phosphorus | Non-fasting |
Potassium | Non-fasting |
Sodium | Non-fasting |
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) | None |
Total Protein | 6-8 hrs fasting |
Troponin I | No patient preparation |
Triglyceride | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
Uric Acid (BUA) | 6-8 hrs fasting |
Urinary Total Protein, 24hour | 1. On day 1, at 7 am, discard the first morning urine and record the time. All succeeding urine samples must then be collected in the appropriate container and kept refrigerated during the interval of collection.
2. On day 2, at 7 am, the patient shall void and add the urine to the total urine collected. 3. The collected specimen must be immediately sent to the laboratory. 4. The urine container must be kept immersed in ice during transport to the laboratory. |
Urine Albumin | No patient preparation |
Urine Chloride | No patient preparation |
Urine Creatinine | No patient preparation |
Urine Potassium | No patient preparation |
Urine Sodium | No patient preparation |
VLDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Clinical Microscopy. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
APT’STest | None |
Body Fluid Analysis(CSF, Peritoneal, Pleural, Synovial) Gross Examination and Cell count includes Glucose and Total protein | None |
H. Pylori Rapid Antigen Test (Qualitative) | No patient preparation |
Occult blood | Diet (2 days before test):
1. Patient should eat only well-cooked meat (chicken, turkey, & tuna) 2. avoid red meat, raw fruits containing high peroxidase activity; turnips, cauliflower, broccoli, cantaloupe, red radish, horseradish Medicines 3.7 days prior to & during testing- avoid aspirin or other inflammatory meds 4.2 days prior & during testing—avoid rectal meds, tonics, or vitamin C in excess of 250 mg/day or meds rich in iron |
Pregnancy Test(Beta HCG) | No patient preparation |
Seminal Fluid Analysis(Sperm Analysis) | 1 Patient is required to have 3 days & no more than 5 days of sexual abstinence prior to semen collection.
2. Specimen collection is preferably done in the laboratory using a wide- mouthed plastic or glass container(not condoms)
3. Specimen collection is
preferably done in the laboratory using a wide- mouthed plastic or glass container(not condoms).
4. Empty bladder prior to collection and note time of collection in the request form
5. Submit specimen immediately to the laboratory within 30 mins. to 1 hour and keep warm at body temperature to ensure accurate analysis |
Stone Analysis | No patient preparation |
Stool Exam/Fecalysis (Routine) | 1. Avoid contamination of
specimen with water, urine or oils and any other chemical contaminants.
2. Specimen must be submitted to the laboratory within 30 minutes after collection. 3. If more than 30 mins, specimen must be immersed in ice during transport |
Urinalysis (Routine) | 1. Prior to collection,
patient must thoroughly clean genitalia. 2. Use clean containers for collecting urine sample. 1. Midstream of the urine shall be collected.
Urinary Eosinophils | No patient preparation |
Urine Bilirubin | No patient preparation |
Urine Ketone | No patient preparation |
Urine Leukocyte Esterase | No patient preparation |
Urine Nitrite | No patient preparation |
Urine Urobilinogen | No patient preparation |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Hematology. Please see the table below for your guide and reference.
Anti-NuclearAntibody | None |
APTT | None |
Bleeding time | None |
Bone Marrow Smears | None |
Clot Retraction Time | None |
Clotting time/Coagulation | None |
Complete Blood Count | None |
ESR (Erththrocyte | None |
Hematocrit | No patient preparation |
Hemoglobin | No patient preparation |
LE cell prep. | No patient preparation |
Malarial Test | Preferably at the height of
fever |
Peripheral Blood Smear | None |
Platelet Count (Automated) | None |
Prothrombin Time | No patient preparation |
PT/APTT(Mixingstudies) | No patient preparation |
Red Blood Cell Count | No patient preparation |
Reticulocyte Count | No patient preparation |
White Blood Cell Count | None |
White Blood Cell Differential Count | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Hematology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Cytokeratin (Basic)
Tissue Immunohistochemistry |
None |
Cytology and Cell block | None |
Cyokeratin | None |
Complete Blood Count | None |
ESR (Erththrocyte Sedimentation Rate) | None |
Hematocrit | No patient preparation |
Hemoglobin | No patient preparation |
LE cell prep. | No patient preparation |
Malarial Test | Preferably at the height of fever |
Peripheral Blood Smear | None |
Platelet Count (Automated) | None |
Prothrombin Time | No patient preparation |
PT/APTT(Mixingstudies) | No patient preparation |
Red Blood Cell Count | No patient preparation |
Reticulocyte Count | No patient preparation |
White Blood Cell Count | None |
White Blood Cell Differential Count | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Immunology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)
Tumor Marker |
None |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen | None |
Cyclosporin Assay | None |
FSH (Follicle Stimulating
Hormone) |
Non — fasting |
(Glycosylated Hemoglobin) |
Non — fasting |
Hepatitis Tests
1. HbsAg 2. HbeAg 3.Anti Hbc-IgM 4. Total Anti-Hbc 5. Anti-HAV— IgM 6. Anti-HAV— IgG 7. Anti-Hbs 8. Anti-Hbe 9. Anti-HCV |
None |
Prostate Specific Antigen
(PSA) |
Non— fasting |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Microbiology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Acid fast stain for TB | Please see provided leaflets |
AFB Package | 3sputum collection:
1“earIy morning 2nd —spot collection (Can be on the same day, 1-2 hours interval) |
Blood Culture (1site) | None |
Blood Culture (2 sites) | None |
Culture and Sensitivity
(Body fluids, exudates, wound discharge, Throat Swab,Sputum, Stool and other body fluids) |
None |
Culture and Sensitivity
(Urine) |
None |
Gram Stain | No patient preparation |
India lnk | No patient preparation |
KOH Preparation | No patient preparation |
Open Culture w/or w/o ID | N/A |
Water Analysis | N/A |
Wet Mount | No patient preparation |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Serology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Anti-Streptolysin 0Titer
(ASO) |
None |
Dengue Virus— IgG and IgM
(Denguedot) Immunochromatographic Assay |
Collect specimen only after 5
days of fever |
Dengue Virus—Antigen
Detection NS1Dengue Antigen Test Immunochromatographic Assay |
Collect specimen at0— 5
days of fever |
Leptospira antibody
screening(IgM) Leptocheck |
No patient preparation |
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) | No patient preparation |
Rheumatoid Factor(RF) | No patient preparation |
Salmonella typhi antibody
screening(IgM) Enterocheck |
No patient preparation |
Treponema Pallidum Particle
Agglutination (TPPA) |
No patient preparation |
Typhidot | No patient preparation |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Blood Bank. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
ABO/Rh Typing | None |
Antibody Screening | None |
Coomb’s test(Direct and Indirect) | None |
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) | None |
Crossmatching with Antibody Screening | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Clinical Chemistry. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Alanine Amino Transferase
None |
Albumin | 6-8 hours fasting |
Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP) | None |
Amylase | None |
Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST/SG0T) | None |
Bilirubin Total Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin | None |
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) | 6-8 hours fasting |
Cardiac Panel | None |
Chloride | None |
Cholesterol | None |
CKMB | None |
Creatinine | None |
Creatinine Clearance | 1. On day 1, anytime, discard the first morning urine and record the time. All succeeding urine samples must then be collected in the appropriate container and kept refrigerated during the interval of collection.
2.On day 2, at 7 am, the patient shall void and add the urine to the total urine collected. 3.The collected specimen must be immediately sent to the laboratory. 4.The urine container must be kept immersed in ice during transport to the laboratory. |
D-dimer | None |
Globulin | 6-8 hours fasting |
Glucose- FastingBloodSugar | 1. 6-8 hrs fasting
2. Strictly refrain from smoking and avoid strenuous exercises or activity 3. The following medications should be discontinued after the last meal prior to blood extraction: a. Oral contraceptive pills b. Thiazide diuretics c. Salicylates d. Insulin oral anti-diabetic drugs |
Glucose — Oral Glucose
Tolerance Test(OGTT) 2hrs OGTT 3hrs OGTT |
1. 6-8 hrs fasting
2. Strictly refrain from smoking and avoid strenuous exercises or activity 3. The following medications should be discontinued after the last meal prior to blood extraction: a. Oral contraceptive pills b. Thiazide diuretics |
c. Salicylates
d. Insulin e. oral anti-diabetic |
Glucose — Post Prandial
Blood Sugar (PPBS) 1 hr PPBS |
Take regular meals and extract after 1 hr |
2 hrs PPBS | Take regular meals and extract after 2 hrs |
Glucose— Glucose Challenge
Test (GCT) 1 hr GCT |
No need to fast |
2 hrs GCT | No need to fast |
Glucose — Random Blood
Sugar |
No need to fast |
Glucose — Hemoglucose Test | No need to fast |
G6PD Confirmatory Test | No patient preparation |
HDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
lonized Calcium | Non-fasting |
Iron | None |
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) | Non-fasting |
LDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting; |
Magnesium | Non-fasting |
Phosphorus | Non-fasting |
Potassium | Non-fasting |
Sodium | Non-fasting |
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) | None |
Total Protein | 6-8 hrs fasting |
Troponin I | No patient preparation |
Triglyceride | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
Uric Acid (BUA) | 6-8 hrs fasting |
Urinary Total Protein, 24hour | 1. On day 1, at 7 am, discard the first morning urine and record the time. All succeeding urine samples must then be collected in the appropriate container and kept refrigerated during the interval of collection.
2. On day 2, at 7 am, the patient shall void and add the urine to the total urine collected. 3. The collected specimen must be immediately sent to the laboratory. 4. The urine container must be kept immersed in ice during transport to the laboratory. |
Urine Albumin | No patient preparation |
Urine Chloride | No patient preparation |
Urine Creatinine | No patient preparation |
Urine Potassium | No patient preparation |
Urine Sodium | No patient preparation |
VLDL Cholesterol | Preferably 12-14 hrs fasting;
8 hrs fasting if patient can’t tolerate prolonged fasting |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Clinical Microscopy. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
APT’STest | None |
Body Fluid Analysis(CSF, Peritoneal, Pleural, Synovial) Gross Examination and Cell count includes Glucose and Total protein | None |
H. Pylori Rapid Antigen Test (Qualitative) | No patient preparation |
Occult blood | Diet (2 days before test):
1. Patient should eat only well-cooked meat (chicken, turkey, & tuna) 2. avoid red meat, raw fruits containing high peroxidase activity; turnips, cauliflower, broccoli, cantaloupe, red radish, horseradish Medicines 3.7 days prior to & during testing- avoid aspirin or other inflammatory meds 4.2 days prior & during testing—avoid rectal meds, tonics, or vitamin C in excess of 250 mg/day or meds rich in iron |
Pregnancy Test(Beta HCG) | No patient preparation |
Seminal Fluid Analysis(Sperm Analysis) | 1 Patient is required to have 3 days & no more than 5 days of sexual abstinence prior to semen collection.
2. Specimen collection is preferably done in the laboratory using a wide- mouthed plastic or glass container(not condoms)
3. Specimen collection is
preferably done in the laboratory using a wide- mouthed plastic or glass container(not condoms).
4. Empty bladder prior to collection and note time of collection in the request form
5. Submit specimen immediately to the laboratory within 30 mins. to 1 hour and keep warm at body temperature to ensure accurate analysis |
Stone Analysis | No patient preparation |
Stool Exam/Fecalysis (Routine) | 1. Avoid contamination of
specimen with water, urine or oils and any other chemical contaminants.
2. Specimen must be submitted to the laboratory within 30 minutes after collection. 3. If more than 30 mins, specimen must be immersed in ice during transport |
Urinalysis (Routine) | 1. Prior to collection,
patient must thoroughly clean genitalia. 2. Use clean containers for collecting urine sample. 1. Midstream of the urine shall be collected.
Urinary Eosinophils | No patient preparation |
Urine Bilirubin | No patient preparation |
Urine Ketone | No patient preparation |
Urine Leukocyte Esterase | No patient preparation |
Urine Nitrite | No patient preparation |
Urine Urobilinogen | No patient preparation |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Hematology. Please see the table below for your guide and reference.
Anti-NuclearAntibody | None |
APTT | None |
Bleeding time | None |
Bone Marrow Smears | None |
Clot Retraction Time | None |
Clotting time/Coagulation | None |
Complete Blood Count | None |
ESR (Erththrocyte | None |
Hematocrit | No patient preparation |
Hemoglobin | No patient preparation |
LE cell prep. | No patient preparation |
Malarial Test | Preferably at the height of
fever |
Peripheral Blood Smear | None |
Platelet Count (Automated) | None |
Prothrombin Time | No patient preparation |
PT/APTT(Mixingstudies) | No patient preparation |
Red Blood Cell Count | No patient preparation |
Reticulocyte Count | No patient preparation |
White Blood Cell Count | None |
White Blood Cell Differential Count | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Hematology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Cytokeratin (Basic)
Tissue Immunohistochemistry |
None |
Cytology and Cell block | None |
Cyokeratin | None |
Complete Blood Count | None |
ESR (Erththrocyte Sedimentation Rate) | None |
Hematocrit | No patient preparation |
Hemoglobin | No patient preparation |
LE cell prep. | No patient preparation |
Malarial Test | Preferably at the height of fever |
Peripheral Blood Smear | None |
Platelet Count (Automated) | None |
Prothrombin Time | No patient preparation |
PT/APTT(Mixingstudies) | No patient preparation |
Red Blood Cell Count | No patient preparation |
Reticulocyte Count | No patient preparation |
White Blood Cell Count | None |
White Blood Cell Differential Count | None |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Immunology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)
Tumor Marker |
None |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen | None |
Cyclosporin Assay | None |
FSH (Follicle Stimulating
Hormone) |
Non — fasting |
(Glycosylated Hemoglobin) |
Non — fasting |
Hepatitis Tests
1. HbsAg 2. HbeAg 3.Anti Hbc-IgM 4. Total Anti-Hbc 5. Anti-HAV— IgM 6. Anti-HAV— IgG 7. Anti-Hbs 8. Anti-Hbe 9. Anti-HCV |
None |
Prostate Specific Antigen
(PSA) |
Non— fasting |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Microbiology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Acid fast stain for TB | Please see provided leaflets |
AFB Package | 3sputum collection:
1“earIy morning 2nd —spot collection (Can be on the same day, 1-2 hours interval) |
Blood Culture (1site) | None |
Blood Culture (2 sites) | None |
Culture and Sensitivity
(Body fluids, exudates, wound discharge, Throat Swab,Sputum, Stool and other body fluids) |
None |
Culture and Sensitivity
(Urine) |
None |
Gram Stain | No patient preparation |
India lnk | No patient preparation |
KOH Preparation | No patient preparation |
Open Culture w/or w/o ID | N/A |
Water Analysis | N/A |
Wet Mount | No patient preparation |
These are the list of all laboratory tests available in Serology. Please see table below for your guide and reference.
Anti-Streptolysin 0Titer
(ASO) |
None |
Dengue Virus— IgG and IgM
(Denguedot) Immunochromatographic Assay |
Collect specimen only after 5
days of fever |
Dengue Virus—Antigen
Detection NS1Dengue Antigen Test Immunochromatographic Assay |
Collect specimen at0— 5
days of fever |
Leptospira antibody
screening(IgM) Leptocheck |
No patient preparation |
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) | No patient preparation |
Rheumatoid Factor(RF) | No patient preparation |
Salmonella typhi antibody
screening(IgM) Enterocheck |
No patient preparation |
Treponema Pallidum Particle
Agglutination (TPPA) |
No patient preparation |
Typhidot | No patient preparation |
The Angeles University Foundation Medical Center is a non-stock, non-profit world-class healthcare facility located in Angeles City, Philippines.